Wednesday 13 August 2014

Cambados for foodies

Starting from my base in Cambados, I began exploring the culinary delights of this beautiful Galician town and its neighbours.  Here in the southern part of Galicia, bordering Portugal and with a long coastline, the main focus is no doubt about seafood.  A glimpse of the morning activities in Cambados will pretty rule out any doubts.

我來到西班牙西北部的坎瓦多斯 (Cambados),除了是為了漂亮的風景外,亦是為了那裏的美食!坎瓦多斯位於加利西亞省的

The language of seafood transcends all languages here.  Whether they are sea scallops, mussels, Galician oysters, lobsters, anchovies, or cod, their preferred ways of preparing them are exceedingly simple.  The objective is to preserve the freshness of the produce.

The restaurants and bars are as colourful as Cambados itself.  Venture out to other towns and villages for a starkly different taste and environment. 

While in Cambados, I have grown quite attached to a few establishments, namely Casa de Miguel and Posta do Sol, the former a casual tapas bar which also serves full meals, and the latter a very traditional kitchen by the sea. 

Few interesting things:

1)  Empanadas - absolutely Galician and absolutely tasty (second photo).  You will find this in almost every restaurants.  It's a pastry pancake with different fillings, such as tuna, or scallops.

2)  Caldo, or soup - also very Galician.  They will always come in a huge tureen and are very filling!  Being brought up by a very traditional mom-chef at home, I am often bitten with guilt about not finishing soup, but sometimes the serving is just too much. 

3)  Grelos - it's the Galician equivalence of watercress or kale or green cabage or broccoli leaves.  Very tasty; found in many dishes particularly with croquettes and egg. 

Cambados is less than an hour from Vigo or Santiago airport.  Budget airline Vueling flies daily flights from Barcelona in under two hours!

坎瓦多斯的餐廳跟這裏的景色都一樣色彩繽紛,幾天的時間我已做了幾間餐廳的「回頭客」了!Casa de Miguel 是一家做西班牙傳統小食的酒吧。西班牙人喜歡不同的小食佐酒,談天說地,他們就這樣可以消磨一個下午 !Posta do Sol 則是十家道地的正式餐廳,在那裏你可以邊欣賞海邊的景色,邊享受一頓美味的加利西亞式晚餐。
1) Empanadas — 加利西亞省獨有的菜式,當地差不多所有餐廳都有,是類似夾餅放了不同的餡料在中間,如吞拿魚、帶子等,十分美味!
2) Caldo — 是另一款加利西亞省獨有的菜式,通常會放在大大的一個湯碗裏,相片中的只是一人份量呀!
3) Grelos —是一種類似我們的西洋菜或芥蘭葉之類的加利西亞蔬菜,鮮甜可口,當地人會把這種菜放到不同的菜式。

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