Saturday, 6 September 2014

Tête-à-tête with Luis Aragunde, Mayor of Cambados, Galicia

My two concert trips to Cambados in Galicia (northwest Spain) had me totally convinced: not only is this truly an Albariño wine capital, it is also a seafood heaven. 

I also had the good fortune of making some new friends here, among them the honorable mayor of Cambados.  He was one burly, imposing man only countered by a gentleness and humour rarely wonted from a man of his stature.  His quiet manners masked the deep love he has for his hometown. 
During our parting lunch at a rural country house, we sat down side by side and talked about Cambados. 

兩次到西班牙西北部加利西亞省坎瓦多斯小鎮的旅程徹底的把我說服了 —— 她不單是出產 Albariño 葡萄酒的著名重鎮外,她更是海鮮美食的天堂!
我很幸運地在坎瓦多斯認識了許多新朋友,當中更包括坎瓦多斯的市長 Luis Aragunde 先生。 Luis Aragunde 先生是一位德高望重的謙謙君子,那天他帶我到一間由田園大宅改建成的漂亮酒店吃過午餐後,我們就在泳池邊坐下喝咖啡、詳談他與坎瓦多斯的大小故事,言談間深深地感受到他對他的家鄉無比的愛......

Luis Aragunde (L)
Ernest So (E)

E:  I am definitely coming back again.  When is the best time to come to Galicia?
L:  Galicia is an interesting region all year round!  All the sights and activities have their own colour and character in every season.  Summer is of course an important season for us, but the Spring and Fall are equally beautiful. 

E.  What's one thing that defines Cambados?
L:  Enotourism!  Wine tourism is increasingly popular nowadays.  Cambados is the capital of Albariño wine and our tourism office helps organize and advises on activities such as visiting wine makers, vineyards, and tastings.  In Cambados you can smell our wine culture. 

E:  But one can't drink all day long, even for a wino like myself ...
L:  Enotourism is but one of the "trinity" of attractions in Cambados; there are also historical monuments and characteristic restaurants.  The region is covered with Pazos, or grand manor houses.  They are akin to stately homes you find in England or France, filled with history and art.  In the town, our restaurants will satisfy even the biggest craving for seafood and fish.  We are so closely linked to the sea I can stretch my hand out from the office and catch a fish without looking. 

E:  That's easy for you but mortals like us would have to pay dearly for this!
L:  Well, for a small town of 14,000 we have a super wide variety of restaurants.  There are expensive fishes and seafood, certainly, but there are also affordable catch-of-the-day selections.  You get top-notch quality mussels and shrimps, for example, for relatively very little money here compared to elsewhere.  Doesn't matter what you are paying, we dish out the best seafood you can find.

E:  I know, I've tried.  Too bad I can't bring any of these back to my friends.
L:  Cambados support a huge canning industry as well.  You can find a lot of these canned seafood in our shops.  They are caught and canned right here in town.

E:  Well, there is one thing I can brag about coming to Cambados this July: the Festa do Albariño.  This Albariño Festival had been a fantastic week.  I am actually glad we took time off from all the drinking to be at this rural country house today. 
L:  On average, not that I am ever sober enough to count, the Albariño Festival receives about 200,000 visitors.  Granted, it's less than a fraction of a percentage of people in Hong Kong or China but here in a small town like Cambados, this number is astronomical. 

E:  What do you do in Cambados when you're not working?
L:  Kayaking, and, typical of everyone around here, enjoying wine with friends and family.

E:  Now that I have visited Cambados, you must come to Hong Kong with me. 
L:  I will miss the smell of my sea...

Luis Aragunde (L)
Ernest So (E)

E:  我很希望可以再到坎瓦多斯來,你認為什麼時候是旅遊加利西亞的最佳時間?
L:  加利西亞是一個很有意思的地區,一年四季她都有獨特的色彩與個性。當然夏季對我們來說是一個很重要的季節,但是其實春天及秋天亦同樣美麗。

E:  你可以用一樣東西來代表坎瓦多斯嗎?
L:  品酒業!品酒圑現在越來越流行,坎瓦多斯身為 Albariño 葡萄酒的重鎮,我們的旅遊中心極力推廣葡萄酒事業,他們亦會給旅客提供酒莊參觀、品酒等活動,在坎瓦多斯你一定可以感受到我們的葡萄酒文化!

E:  但是我們好像不應整天都只是喝酒,即使我其實很想這樣做......
L:  品酒對愛酒人仕是一項很好的活動,但是坎瓦多斯亦有很多極具吸引力的景點,譬如多座歴史古跡、著名餐廳、美麗的海灣等等。其實坎瓦多斯有的許多古老大宅也是其中一個聞名的原因,跟英國法國的一樣,它們都擁有悠久的歴史及精緻的藝術品。而小鎮裏的餐廳,必定可以滿足到對美食有無比渴望的海鮮發燒友,我們擁有海産豐富的海岸,只要伸手出去就可抓到幾條魚啦!

E:  哈哈!這可能對你是很容易的事,但是我只是星斗小市民,只怕吃過飯後那張賬單會把我嚇一跳!
L:  坎瓦多斯這裏有14,000 個居民,絶對不算是小地方,我們當然有不同種類的餐廳,豐儉由人。我們有十分豪華的海鮮餐廳,但我們亦有價錢大眾化的,供應每天新鮮合時的魚穫。就算是這裏最高品質的海鮮,比起其他地方,這裏的收費仍是最化算的啦!

E:  我知道,我亦試過了,這裏的海鮮應該是我吃過最好的!很可惜我帶不了它們回家!
L:  坎瓦多斯其實也有很發達的罐頭業,我們就把剛從海裏拿上來的海產馬上放進罐頭,你可以在鎮裏的商店買些罐頭帶回去。

E:  我來坎瓦多斯某程度上其實是為了今年的 Albariño葡萄酒節,這讓我過了一個很精彩的星期!我亦很高興今天稍停一下跟你來到這所漂亮的大宅。
L:  雖然葡萄酒時常都令我計算得不太清楚,但是這裏每年的葡萄酒節都吸引到平均二十萬的遊客。我知道這對香港或中國來說只是很少的人,但這數字對坎瓦多斯來說已經是天文數字了!

E:  在坎瓦多斯你不用工作的時候會做什麼?
L:  我喜歡划艇,以及像所有坎瓦多斯人一樣,與家人和朋友一起享受葡萄酒。

E:  好了,你現在邀請我來了坎瓦多斯,我也想邀請你跟我到香港。
L:  那我怕我會捨不得我這個漂亮的海洋......

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