Monday 14 July 2014

Bibury - 'the most beautiful village in England'

One of the prettiest parts of England is the Cotswold, referring the southwest of central England, roughly where Oxford is.  During the Middle Ages, this region was well-known for its weavers and artisans, whose wealth contributed to countless churches and manor houses being built throughout the fertile land, many of those are preserved and have remained as important landmarks. 

Bibury, about 2 hours west of London, is a small village in the Cotswold that has caught the attention of visitors from near and far.  The poet and writer William Morris, who struck gold with his textile designs, visited Bibury and reportedly deemed it the most beautiful village in England.  What captures the hearts of every visitor is the row of stone houses on Arlington Row, where weavers used to dry their cloths after washing them in the river.  The steeply pitched roof is a common sight in the Cotswold, and this charming town has since become a great introduction to the region for travellers.

Due to its fame it can get pretty crowded with tourists, particularly Asians.  It is nevertheless a beautiful spot to take a stroll, or to visit the trout farm nearby.

More information about activities in Bibury:

Cotswold 是英國其中一個最漂亮的地區,位於英格蘭的中區西南部,著名的牛津市亦是屬於這一區。中古時期,很多織布工人及手工藝工人都聚集在這裏,從這裏無數的教堂及大宅建築可以看到當時住在這裏的人的財富。而這裏很多的建築物都完好地保留到今天,並成為了這裏的地標。
Bibury 是 Cotswold 地區其中的一條小村莊,距離倫敦西正大概兩小時的車程,這條迷人的小村莊每天都吸引到無數來自不同地方的人到訪。詩人及作家 William Morris 𨘋覽 Bibury 後說這裏是英國最漂亮的村莊。當中最引人注目的是村莊裏位於 Arlington Row 的一排屋頂傾斜的小石屋,從前織布工人在小石屋前的河邊把剛染好的布曬乾,而傾斜的小屋頂亦成為了 Bibury 的其中一個特色。
由於 Bibury 有著很高的世界知名度,每天來這裏的遊客都駱驛不絶,當中更包括了不少來自亞洲的遊人。遊覽過 Bibury 後,你亦不妨到附近的鄉郊漫步,或到附近的鱒魚場參觀一下。


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